Friday, September 28, 2007

King Tut Grill

My parents and I went out to lunch today. Perhaps in honor of my trip to Africa, my dad chose a restaurant called King Tut Grill, a South Knoxville establishment run by a really friendly Egyptian guy named Mo. We went around 2:30, so we were the only ones there, if you don't count the toothless, elderly gentleman who hangs out there all day and tells jokes. We had the Egyptian sampler which included falafel, baba ghanoush, koshari, hummus and, my favorite part, water served in huge flower vases (see picture of my parents below).

The walls were covered with bumper stickers and little signs that said things like "Children left unattended will be sold to the circus," "Danger - men cooking," and "Driver carries no cash - his wife and kids have it all!" It was great Middle Eastern food and a pretty entertaining atmosphere, so if you're in Knoxville, you should give it a try. Tell Mo I sent you.

Oh, and this is what happened when Mo noticed that we were taking the top picture outside.


DG said...

oh mo. always pulling sphynx hats out of the back room...

Unknown said...

i heart those pictures!!! potential christmas card??

DG said...

blog your life.