Friday, December 21, 2007


I made it home Wednesday night, which means (among many other things) that I can finally show you some pictures of the people and things I have been talking about.

This is not a great picture, but this is my Ethiopian family. Starting from the left: Matthew (Aman's friend from boarding school who happened to be visiting), Abraham, me, Melat, Aman, and Salem.

Donkeys. One of my favorite things about Addis. They're absolutely everywhere - carrying bundles, people, or just trudging along. You have to admit they're pretty cute.

This would be an example of the public transportation, which is an old pick-up with benches in the truck bed and a hard cover attached. When I first saw this death ride, I was like "man, I can't believe people actually get in those things." A few weeks later I was lining up to pay my 15 cents to squeeze in with 15 other people. Below is another shot of the "taxi" with a sheep riding on top. He seems fine with it.

This is the guy who feeds THE guy and the building that some believe holds the Ark of the Covenant. I think he may be doing some laundry.

Abs and I sampling the local brew in Axum.

This is what I've been eating. It's kind of hard to tell, but this is a plate of injera with different types of wat. Shiro, which is made of chickpeas but is nothing like hummus, is my favorite, but I grew pretty fond of most of them...just not the oddly popular kitfo or tripe dishes.

Melat and me at the top of Mount Entoto taking in a view of Addis.

These are some of the guys from the street boys house. Ermias, their mentor, is in the middle. One of my favorite things was interviewing these guys and seeing the remarkable transformation that has taken place in their lives. They are so sweet and fun in a way that makes it hard to believe the details of their pasts.

Melat and I are at the Girls' house for a party. Right after this picture was taken, the dance party began, which means they begged me to dance and then laughed hysterically when I obliged.

This is me with some of my best friends from my time in Ethiopia. Kate and Jessica, on each end, went to Carolina and live at the Cherokee house, so they were kind of my connection to home. Konjit, in the middle with me, is one of the house mothers at the Girls' House. We spent a lot of time together because she translated for many of the interviews. Near the end of time we decided to treat ourselves to dinner at the Sheraton, which, by the way, is the nicest hotel I have ever seen, anywhere. We chose the restaurant that offers a buffet, acted like small children whose parents went out of town without hiring a babysitter, and smuggled apples out in our purses.

I have many more pictures and stories, but that's a little taste. Just let me know if you want your very own personal slide show tour of Ethiopia.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Update to Wednesdays post (which was posted November 8)

I want to add a little update to my post about the women I see every Wednesday. I knew before coming here that I would not be saving Africa, but it has still been hard for me to see extreme poverty and pain and to feel like I can't do anything about it. I began feeling like the time I spent at the training center was pointless because I wasn't really helping in a sustainable way. I felt like I was working on fundraising materials that no one was going to use for an organization that is going to die in the next six months and whose beneficiaries are not much better off than when they started the program. I thought I was wasting my time and should spend my Wednesdays somewhere else.

I kept going back, mostly because I didn't want the women who hadn't been interviewed yet to feel left out. I'm glad I did because for each of the last three weeks, one of the women I interviewed revealed something major about what is going on in her life now, of which the director of the center was completely unaware. It's not any big epiphany, but it showed me that I am wrong to ever think something is a waste of my time just because I am not accomplishing my goals for that situation. Just because I think I am there to help with fundraising doesn't mean God's purpose can't be something totally different. Just a small, but good, reminder that God is wise and sovereign, and I am not.

Also, after I wrote this first part, but before I could find an internet connection, I went to a meeting of the center's board, and they approved a new budget I put together to allow the girls to receive training for full days for the remaining five months. This means they will have twice as much training, eat a good lunch everyday and have a consistent bible study and check in time. It's a small thing, but I was so excited I could hardly contain myself.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm pretty sure I can guess basically how most of your Thanksgiving Days went, so I thought you might like to hear what mine was like…

Thanksgiving morning started like any other. The holiday hasn't really caught on here, maybe in part due to the complete absence of turkey…and cranberries…and sweet potatoes…and well, you get the idea. When I woke up this morning, I took a moment to accept the fact that I'd probably be eating injera for lunch and dinner, said happy Thanksgiving to myself and set out on a walk. As soon as I left the house, I noticed something was different. I could hardly see down the street for all the fog. I walked along thinking about how strange that was because I had never seen fog in Addis before and it's a really dry city, when I realized that the fog had a really fragrant, smoky smell. I kept looking for a flaming incense factory, but I didn't find it and no one else really seemed alarmed. When I got home, Salem explained that today is not only Thanksgiving, but also St. Michael's Day in the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar, and religious tradition dictates that everyone burn all the trash, grass, leaves, etc. that they can find. Who needs the smell of oven-roasted turkey when I have Ethiopians burning refuse all over the city?

So I spent most of the day in Salem's shop working on necklaces because she's a little pinched for time with the big bazaar coming up next weekend. My lunch was, as suspected, injera with potatoes and some sort of greens (imagine collard greens without the pork flavor). There was no nap and no football. That afternoon I was supposed to go to the girls' house to work on interviews for fundraising. I couldn't get a ride, so I decided to walk to a major road where I thought I could get a taxi (which in no way resembles yellow cab or red top cab or any form of legal transportation in the U.S.).

As I walked, I drew the standard chatter (including but not limited to "you. you."/ "how are you?" / "faranji, faranji." / "I love you." / "give me pen.") I was feeling polite today (after all, it is a double holiday), so I responded to most people, a move that made my day a little more interesting. One guy, probably about my age, started walking along side me. He started with "hi, how are you?" then asked my name and pretty soon he was keeping my pace and asking me about all sorts of things, like where I'm from, where I live, where I work, how long I'm here, and he told me he's a musician/student/former Rastafarian from Lalibela. I was starting to get a little uncomfortable, but my plan was just to be nice until I could get in a taxi and away from my new friend. Two minutes later I realize his plan is quite different. He's insisting that I come see his house, which he said was just around the corner, only for a minute, he wanted to introduce me to his uncle and somebody. I told him I was really sorry, but I had an appointment so…um, maybe next time. Oh, no problem. He says he will take me to my appointment and then we can come back to his house…and then he starts holding my hand. I tried to keep walking, but he comes right on with me and begins to explain to me how my name is Christian (common mistake here) and he is a Christian, so we go together. I'm like ha, wow, that is interesting, well, I should be getting a taxi now. He agrees. Great. Except that when we find one that is going to the area where the girls' house is, he gets in first, smiles and pats the open seat next to him.

So we ride to Haya Hulet together (p.s. The kid is still holding my hand. interlocking digits. Every time I wrench my hand free, he begins re-explaining some traditional Ethiopian greeting involving a high five or handshake and then he just keeps my hand). And when I get off, he comes too. I tried to say hey, thanks, see ya, but he was not having it. He walked with me wherever I went, and then he was like, "you know, I don't like Ethiopian women." I was like "aw, you don't mean that. They're really nice and pretty, don't you think?" He said no. When they are with you they are always looking for another guy, another guy. Always looking. Not him though. He is a Christian and only wants one woman. He sees me and I am beautiful and he doesn't look at anyone else. Only me. I'm not clear on this one because his English wasn't completely understandable, but I'm pretty sure he told me that since he goes to church a lot and today is a special church holiday and he burned his trash like he was supposed to, he believes that Jesus and St. Michael brought us together…so he will come to my appointment, then we will go to a café and back to his house. Then I tried to more firmly explain that really, that's not a great idea. My appointment is for all girls. No boys allowed. And it could last a really, really long time, so he really, really shouldn't wait. He didn't say much to this. Just kept holding my hand.

When we got to the girls' house, I kind of had to stiff-arm him to keep him from following me in the gate. He said he would just hang out in the neighborhood and wait for me. I said no, really, you shouldn't do that. He said oh, ok, well, I will come back and meet you here tomorrow. I said yeah, that's not going to work either. I won't be here tomorrow, kthanksbye. When the girls escorted me out a few hours later, I didn't see him, but I may wear a disguise next time I take that route.

I came home and ate, surprise, some injera and shiro by myself because while I was at the girls' house, the Fisehas were eating dinner at a St. Michael's Day party. Full disclosure: then as a consolation prize to myself, I came upstairs and ate two spoonfuls of Nutella straight out of the jar I have stashed in my room.

And that's how we do Thanksgiving around here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Baking in Ethiopia

It's no secret that I enjoy baking a good cookie (/brownie/muffin) now and then, and I have really been missing my apron while I've been here. Last weekend I couldn't take it anymore, and I convinced Melat that we needed to bake. She got on board, but the consequence was that she had her heart set on peanut butter cookies, which would have been 4th or 5th on my list. Even so, I was excited. It took us a while to gather the ingredients, and as we did, I started getting suspicious. A lot of the most simple ingredients and food items we use in the U.S. are hard to find here or they're just a bit different. So when our cookie dough ended up with different butter, different brown sugar and different peanut butter, we found ourselves with very different cookies. In fact, they were a little more like dog biscuits than cookies. Each time we pulled out a panfull, we added something to try to make the next ones better…more butter, more sugar, etc. So we ended up with a bunch of different cookies, none of which were quite what I had in mind. I hope to try again, but I don't really think the Fiseha family was impressed with the first attempt.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Axum and Adwa

Last week Abraham and I took a trip up north to Adwa to visit the five elementary schools that he is trying to help support, and after we finished our work, we went to Axum for a couple of days. The area has particularly suffered from the wars and famines that Ethiopia has endured over the past 150 years and is close to the troubled border zone between Ethiopia and Eritrea, so it is pretty behind in terms of development, economy, infrastructure, etc. That said, I really loved being there and want to go back sometime (this seems like a good time for a side note to say that they may have a month or so long summer school for kids who want to work on their English. Volunteer teachers…and when I say teachers, I mean people who can speak English…would be most welcome). It was such a nice change to spend a few days away from the sometimes overwhelming capital, and I found I was more comfortable and relaxed than I am sometimes in Addis. I felt like we were really productive, and I got to do a little sight-seeing too.

A few snapshots of the trip:

Axum is known for its historical Christian sites. For example, many people believe that the Ark of the Covenant is in Axum. Naturally I wanted to get as close to that as possible, but there is only one guy who is allowed in to see the ark. When he dies, someone else is chosen. So then I made it my goal to talk to the guy about the ark…but that didn't happen either. But I still have to say that I feel pretty good about my first attempt at the ark. I stood across a ditch from THE building that supposedly holds THE ark, and I snapped a picture of THE guy who takes food to THE guy who guards the ark (because he can't ever leave). Take that, Indiana Jones.

One of the best things about going up north was driving through the countryside. It was so simple and beautiful. As we were driving through one teensy village, Abraham asked me if I saw a stick coming out of the ground with a can hanging on the top. I did. He asked if I knew what it meant. I did not. He told me that it was a signal that the woman who lives there brews beer and is selling it. So we decided to stop in and buy a round for everyone. Not that I'm claiming to be any kind of beer connoisseur, but it was a pretty nasty brew. I didn't drink most of it (and neither did Abraham), but it was a really funny experience to sit around with the woman and the six or so other villagers who were just shooting the breeze in her one-room house/brewery/bar.

I think I mentioned at some point that Ethiopia is famous for its coffee, and I have to agree, the macchiato you can get for like 75 cents here puts Starbucks to shame. We decided to try a Habesha coffee house near our hotel in Axum (long story short, Habesha basically means traditional Ethiopian). The coffee was good–they make it strong and thick, like motor oil—but even better was the in-house entertainment. There was a couple that travels around bars and restaurants singing songs for money. Since Abraham and I were the only patrons at the time, they felt free to concentrate on us. I didn't really understand what was going on, but apparently they were trying to personalize the song, which was difficult since they didn't know who we were. The woman mostly clapped while the man pulled up a chair right at our table and sang about how Abs is old and I have pretty hair. And for this we paid them 10 birr each (about a dollar).

Thursday, November 8, 2007


As much as spending time at some of the homes and being with the girls and boys is fun and encouraging, there are unfortunately some people and projects that do not have the same sense of hope. I spend every Wednesday at a training center for poor single mothers. They spend every morning at the center and learn to sew and embroider in hopes that they will be able to better provide for themselves and their children. But as I have been talking to them (through an interpreter), it seems like their problems are so extreme, numerous and overwhelming that it is hard for me to envision a happy ending for all of them. Many of them have similar stories. Their parents died young, and they had to drop out of school to support themselves and sometimes their siblings. They have children, but their boyfriends either left them or passed away. Many of them have HIV/AIDS, so their health problems have complicated their efforts to hold consistent jobs washing clothes, cleaning houses, or selling small items on the street. The new skills they are learning will probably allow them to make more money, but it doesn't seem like their lives are being transformed. It feels more like filling the crack in a dam with a piece of gum. I want to be positive about these women and their futures and I wish I could talk about them the same way I can about the girls and boys, but when I'm being honest, I have a hard time not seeing their problems as insurmountable and hopeless. I want to believe that they can get to a place where they are healthy and happy and are easily providing food and housing for their children, but they have such a long way to go.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

EHOP and Burger Queen

One way I amuse myself while crawling through the traffic in Addis Ababa is to look for imitations of American businesses and restaurants. Thanks to the many entrepreneurs in Addis, I am not often disappointed. Some of them just straight up steal American business names, as in the case of Pizza Hut, Friday's, and Apple Computer, but if you go inside, you realize it is definitely not an international chain. Then there are others who use a business's name and the matching font, but add or subtract letters, so it's not quite so dishonest, as in The Olives Garden and Mariott Hotel (one r). Then there's Kaldi's Coffee, which in name is original, but if you went inside you would find it strikingly similar to another coffee establishment, from the black clothes and green aprons with a circular decal, to the poetry painted on the walls, to the furniture and menu boards. And my favorites are the businesses that turn American names into something new, the best of which are probably Burger Queen and EHOP (Ethiopian House of Pancakes).

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Be! Be!

An Amharic word I have come to know well is "be," which means eat, as in "you, eat that now." One surprising thing about Ethiopians is how much food these people can put away and how upset they can get if you don't appear to be eating the same amount. These people are not fat and they don't really exercise, so I'm having a hard time figuring out where it goes. Whoever said that American portions are much bigger than portions in the rest of the world has never been to Ethiopia. It is rare that I am not confronted about my food intake during at least one meal each day. If I pause to take a breath while eating, they will say "Kristin. Be." If I eat all the food on my plate, but don't go back for seconds, they will say "You didn't like it?" or my personal favorite…"What? You aren't eating dinner (or whatever meal it is)?" A few weeks ago I went to dinner at someone's house and it was kind of a potluck, so there were a dozen or so different dishes. I start going through the line of food but I didn't take everything, and halfway through this woman, who is just observing people/me going through the line stops me and she's like "so, I noticed you didn't get very much meat. Are you are vegetarian?" I'm not sure if she was offended because I skipped the dish that she brought or if her husband is a butcher, but even after I pointed out the beef on my plate, she was really not happy with me. Later, she gets up from the dining room table and brings some of the dishes from the kitchen into the dining room and starts handing them to me. And I stubbornly, yet politely, continued passing them on. And still later, we were sitting around the table, almost everyone is finished eating, including me and the man across from me, who looks at me and asks "you're not going to eat?" I still don't have a good response for that. Suggestions are welcome.

While I'm at it, some of you have asked about what I'm eating here. All in all, it's pretty similar to what I expected. I'm eating a lot of injera, which is the traditional Ethiopian meal. It's a slightly sour, moist, pancake-like bread on which they scoop different meat or vegetable concoctions. My favorite of said concoctions is shiro, which is made from chickpeas and spices. My least favorite so far is called firfir. It's kind of like a spicy beef jerky that they made into a sauce that kind of looks like garbage. I know it can get much worse than that, but I've been pretty lucky. It's pretty easy to find a decent pizza, but some of the pasta sauces can get weird. i.e. one night at home we had pasta with a marinara-esque sauce that also had carrots, potatoes and sardines. That's not a recipe I'll be asking to take home.

...Coincidentally, after I finished writing this, I went to eat the lunch that the housekeeper Abebech packed for me (since I would be out all day by myself). It was not one, but two thick cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches and two bananas. All I need now is to find a friend who wants to eat the other half of my food so I can take home an empty lunch bag without feeling guilty.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


One of the things I'm doing here when I'm not with Abraham is helping his wife, Salem, with her shop. She and her colleagues put on a Bazaar every year with almost 100 vendors offering Ethiopian jewelry, art, weaving, etc. So they asked me to help them with the some of the logistics, which kind of ridiculously includes communicating with all the vendors. I say ridiculous because a lot of them don't speak English. Yesterday I called a bunch of them who don't have email addresses to tell them how to get registration forms. I kept going through the whole spiel of "Hi, this is Kristin calling from the Designers and Artisans Bazaar, and I wanted to make sure that you knew that registration has started…blah blah blah. Then I would stop talking, and inevitably they would say "…hello?" So I would hand the phone to Melat. And so it went.

Even worse than that are the people who *think* they can speak English and call me with questions about the Bazaar. For example…yesterday, this guy calls me and after we establish who I am and that I don't know who he is, he says "What have you done about the bazaar?" I was like um...I'm sorry, I'm going to need a specific question. He eventually explained that he was calling on behalf of someone else I didn't know who had not received the registration form that was attached to the email that was sent out to all the vendors from previous bazaars. So, just to clarify I said, "oh, so the form was not attached to her email?" He said yes. I said, "ok, sure, I'll just send it again if you will give me her email." He said "you need her email?" I said "well, yes." Then he told me she doesn't have an email address…but he said he would give me his instead.

To be fair, I usually find it kind of difficult to understand people spelling their email addresses over the phone, but this guy took it to a new level. It went a little something like this. His email address was like 10 letters long and he just rattled them off really quickly. The first four letters were abdi so we have some issues on the b and d – e? d? b? g? Once we sorted that out, he continued with zed-s-r-a…, and I didn't realize a lot of people pronounce the letter "z" as "zed" instead of "zee." So I was like whoa, I'm sorry, what was that?

Guy: zed.
Me: like z-e-d?
Then he starts yelling.
Guy: No! zed!
Me: …
Guy: hello?
Me: at?
Guy: No! zed! Zed!
Me: z?
Guy: Zed!

Then he just keeps spelling as if I've gotten it. So he piles on a few more letters and asks me to repeat it. Clearly I got something wrong because he says no, and starts spelling again. When he got to the zed, I stopped him and was like I'm sorry, hold on just a second. I hand the phone to Abs who has been sitting in the car with me the whole time. He pulled over, and they yelled it out in Amharic, and we were on our way. Whew.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Group Houses (continued)

Another house visited this week is used for mentor training. Groups of twelve young men and women from all over the country spend four months living there learning from mentors and from each other about Christ while exploring how they can make a difference in their communities. In many ways it reminds me of the Fellows program some of us did at The Falls Church.

The final house I'm going to write about was probably the most touching. Obviously poverty is a pervasive and visible problem in Addis, and many children end up with nowhere to go for one reason or another. This house is used to rehabilitate some of the boys and young men who have been living on the street. I got to spend some time with a group that has been in the house for a little over a month and the transformation is amazing. Abraham translated as they told a bit of their stories, and although they have experienced so much hardship as long as many of them can remember, they were so thankful for where they are now. They are attending night school and they have full schedules during the day, which include physical exercise and games, chores, Bible study, English lessons and listening to guest speakers. Some of them spoke about their new relationships with Christ and his love and faithfulness in bringing them into the love of this family. Thinking of all they had to endure in as many as 13 years on the street and looking over their happy faces around the table, I was brought to tears multiple times and encouraged at the reminder that God has the power to redeem all people, relationships and situations.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Group Homes

I have now been to all four of the group homes. Each of them hold about a dozen people and are used for different purposes, but they all have a wonderful family environment in which it is clear that they feel loved and secure. The first home Abraham and his colleagues started is for boys who for various reasons were at risk of having to live on the street. They live in the house until they finish high school and then depending on their interest and ability, Abs and his friends help them into university or technical training. Many of the boys I met have been there for four years, when they first opened the home. They sang a song for me and to practice their English, they all told me what they wanted to do when they finished school. Their aspirations vary from doctor to pianist to engineer to running a home for kids like the one they lived in. It was encouraging to see that boys who have already been through some of life's hardest circumstances still have passions and plans to pursue their dreams.

In the last two years, they started a similar home for at risk girls. The girls I met had been there for about a year and everyone said they have already come so far. When they first moved in, they were really shy, reserved and unhealthy. The girls I met were beautiful, loving and so energetic. When I was talking to one of the women that stays there, a few of them ran in and pulled me outside to play frisbee, volleyball and jump rope. Then this little 12-year-old told me (partly in broken English and partly with hand gestures) that she wanted to give me a piggy back ride. I told her that wasn't a good idea and tried to get her to play frisbee again. But she was insistent, and thinking that maybe I misunderstood her, she kept trying to demonstrate with other girls and then said, "ok, now you." I was really regretting the fact that my Amharic lessons so far have not included the phrase "I will break you." Even after I gave her a piggyback ride, she would not be denied, so I reluctantly let her try. She was successful for about 3 seconds, I just hope she doesn't look like a question mark next time I see her.

I can't wait to spend more time there and be able to share their stories and sweet faces with all of you. And I will save the other homes for another post.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Teanastëllën (Hello)

I made it! Sorry for the delayed post. I arrived in Addis late Tuesday night, but the internet here has been a little tricky so far. It has been a good few days. I am starting to get my bearings in the city, but I am still amazed at how many people there are walking around all the time. I feel so blessed to be with Abraham and his family. They are all so warm and welcoming, and his daughter Melat is so fun. She has started teaching me Amharic, but I think it's going to be a slow project. I've mastered the word ishee, which basically means "ok," and I plan on inserting it early and often in many conversations.

And I am experiencing some serious jetlag. I thought I had felt jetlag before, but I was wrong. I can only sleep for a few hours each night, and although I almost never have an appetite at meal times, I get hungry at really random times.

Friday, September 28, 2007

King Tut Grill

My parents and I went out to lunch today. Perhaps in honor of my trip to Africa, my dad chose a restaurant called King Tut Grill, a South Knoxville establishment run by a really friendly Egyptian guy named Mo. We went around 2:30, so we were the only ones there, if you don't count the toothless, elderly gentleman who hangs out there all day and tells jokes. We had the Egyptian sampler which included falafel, baba ghanoush, koshari, hummus and, my favorite part, water served in huge flower vases (see picture of my parents below).

The walls were covered with bumper stickers and little signs that said things like "Children left unattended will be sold to the circus," "Danger - men cooking," and "Driver carries no cash - his wife and kids have it all!" It was great Middle Eastern food and a pretty entertaining atmosphere, so if you're in Knoxville, you should give it a try. Tell Mo I sent you.

Oh, and this is what happened when Mo noticed that we were taking the top picture outside.

Monday, September 24, 2007

One thing I’m sad about missing while in Ethiopia is my favorite season. Fortunately I was able to get a little taste of Fall this looked a little like this: An obscene amount of bright orange. 100,000 people singing the chorus of Rocky Top. Kids with orange and white mohawks. Southern accents so thick it’s hard to say if they’re actually speaking English. Yep. It’s football time in Tennessee. My brother and I went to the UT/Arkansas State game Saturday night, so I don’t have to completely miss out on college football this year. It was a nice night, and Arkansas State had the good manners to lose. A good time was had by all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

M-I-C-See you real soon...

I’m in the Orlando airport, where I was eating gummy bears for dinner until I starting reading the back of the package that says "product of USA or Mexico or Brazil or Czech Republic or China or Indonesia." How can they not know?
I've been here since Monday with Doug and Kathryn (from my office in DC) and Abraham (who Doug referred to as “the special sauce of Ethiopia”). We spent some time with a group visiting from Kenya and some Orlando folks who have been really involved with one of the four school projects.
It was a great bridge between DC and Ethiopia because I was able to hang out with Doug and Kathryn and then have a slumber party with my former roommate Cris who was coincidentally in Orlando for work last night too. And I got to spend a lot of time with Abs and riddle him with my questions about Addis, his family, the schools near Axum, and the other projects we will be working on. It sounds like I will have a lot to do, including getting to spend a lot of time with the kids at the schools and group homes and writing about the projects…so that’s exciting. The only disappointing part of the trip was not being there when the Kenyans hit Disney World on Tuesday. Just picture it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fun with Books

Because of all the traveling time and the lifestyle in Ethiopia, I'm anticipating some good reading time. I'm going to post about some of the books I'm reading, so you can either pick up a copy and read along with me or just make a note of recommendations for later. First up, I just started reading Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux.

He decides to start in Cairo, Egypt, and travel overland all the way down to Cape Town, South Africa, documenting as he goes. Twenty-six pages in, I'll venture to say Theroux seems a little cynical but probably pretty realistic. The mix of historical background and travel anecdotes makes it an interesting way to get an overview of a bunch of different countries. Let me know if you are joining this little international book club or if you have a suggestion for a future read.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy New Year

I've gotten a few requests for blog updates pre-Ethiopia, so here's a little tidbit. Ethiopia uses something similar to the Coptic calendar, so there are 12 months of 30 days plus a little bit of leap year craziness. Because of their calendar today is the last day of 1999, which calls for a big celebration (minus all the Y2K nonsense). Rumor has it that Beyonce and Fergie are both making the trip.

What does this mean? Well, I may or may not be traveling back in time when I leave in a few weeks, you should all check your area (especially if you're in DC) for festivities, and we all have one more chance this year to wonder what "Auld Lang Syne" really means.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Thanks for visiting The Life of Ki. I will be using this blog instead of mass emails to share stories and photos from my time in Ethiopia.
Today was a big day. I bought my plane ticket and created my blog (a nod to Madison for the name). Buying the ticket was a pretty weird feeling. Even though I've been planning on going for a while, trading thousands of nonrefundable dollars for an itinerary makes a big difference. I'll be writing more after I use that ticket...